CBR15 BINGO (Picture This square: Maus I, Graphic novel) BINGO! – Strange World to Picture This CBR15 BINGO (History square: Maus II, Holocaust, Auschwitz) BINGO! – South America to History BINGO! – History to Europe I have to confess the only time that I read graphic novels is once a year for a bingo square. I was never a big comics person and I tend to equate the two (don’t come for me, I know that they aren’t necessarily the same) but do enjoy the ones that I have read. Not sure what is […]
I want to tell your story, the way it really happened.
Maus I: A Survivor's Tale: My Father Bleeds History by Art Spiegelman
Maus II : And Here My Troubles Began, Maus. A Survivor's Tale by Art Spiegelman