Not only does Cannonball Read have the most awesome reviewers, but a crew of talented and dedicated people have also stepped up to help out with #CannonBookClub, social media, newsletters, book exchange, advisory council, and featured reviews. We could not run as smoothly as we do without them. A special thanks goes out to:
- andtheIToldYouSos
- Aquillia
- Beth Ellen
- Bothari43
- elisamaza76
- Emmalita
- faintingviolet
- getoffmylawnn
- ingres77
- jomidi
- katie71483
- kdm
- Malin
- Mrs. Julien
- Mrs Smith
- Nart
- scootsa1000
- teresaelectro
- The Mama
- Walking Widdershins
- yesknopemaybe
If you’re interested in volunteering and joining this fine group of individuals, please contact MsWas.