The Greatest Thing by Sarah Winifred Searle has been on my TBR for ages. And while I am giving the book a four (due to averaging out all the pieces), I was not loving it as much as I hoped. You see, I built it up a bit too much and therefore, of course it couldn’t live up to my expectations. Still, if I had come at it fresh or as a teen (at least a strong 10 and up, but more likely 12/13 and up) I think I would have gone to a four without hesitation.
The story is not new (we have self-esteem issues, health issues, LGBTQ issues), but presented mostly in a fresh and new way. Things are not as in depth as they could be, but it works for the graphic novel format and overall feeling. Things are relatable and believable, but perhaps a bit “much” at times (just a smidgen of hyperbole, perhaps?) Also, sometimes it was too relatable for this adult reader. I really felt for Win and her health issues. She is based on Searle as a young girl so I wish I had known her then. We could have been good friends. Also, while the other characters are not “pure non fiction” they are also based on friends and the events that happened to her.
The illustrations are not lacking in anything, but also are not overwhelming with colors or details. They are nice, but not fancy and that sets a tone as well. It allows you to focus on the people and the action. I could see a series happening, or at least each character having their own story, but I also want this to be where we leave things, allowing us to have a mostly happily ever after.