Congratulations to everyone who played. Thank you, thank you, thank you for once again joining in the fun. Bingo has become my favorite seasons of the year. None of this could happen without a lot of help from MsWas, the Cannonball Read Braintrust, and yesknopemaybe, who creates our beautiful Bingo cards.
Twenty-eight of you wrote 445 reviews and I read most of them. I am consistently impressed with the thoughtfulness and humor in your reviews, even when I have no intention of reading the book, looking at you Three Tigers, One Mountain. Nineteen of you completed at least one bingo and eleven of you blacked out your cards!
You can view the kick-off post with the categories, rules and card here.
The Players:
- ardaigle – 18 reviews, 1 Bingo!
- BlackRaven – 25 reviews, BLACKOUT
- carmelpie – 25 reviews, BLACKOUT
- Carriejay – 16 reviews, 2 Bingos
- CoffeeShopReader – 25 reviews, BLACKOUT
- Debcapsfan – 6 reviews, 1 Bingo!
- Dome’Loki – 13 reviews, 3 Bingos
- drmllz – 7 reviews, 1 Bingo!
- ElCicco – 25 reviews, BLACKOUT
- elderberrywine – 10 reviews
- Esme – 1 review
- faintingviolet – 11 reviews, 1 Bingo
- Flimflamingo – 1 review
- GentleRain – 17 reviews, 2 Bingos
- Jake – 25 reviews, BLACKOUT
- KimMiE” – 25 reviews, BLACKOUT
- KitMoonstar – 25 reviews, BLACKOUT
- Leedock – 25 reviews, BLACKOUT
- LittlePlat – 6 reviews
- Malin – 25 reviews, BLACKOUT
- Merryn –19 reviews, 3 Bingos
- narfna – 8 reviews
- Pooja – 25 reviews, BLACKOUT
- RevGirlUtena – 17 reviews
- Sarah – 8 reviews
- Sophia – 25 reviews, BLACKOUT
- tiny_bookbot – 7 reviews, 1 Bingo
- Tracy – 6 reviews
If I missed any review, please let me know. If there are things about bingo that worked for you or hindered your participation, please let me know. And if you have ideas for next years bingo, or suggestions for other book review games* we could play in Cannonball Read 16, leave a comment below or send a note through the Contact Form.
And don’t forget, you can buy a sticker set from our RedBubble Merch store.

Be kind to yourself, each other, and the world around you.
*Please know that you will also be volunteering to administer said game.