Fangirl, the Manga: Volume 3 – Rainbow Rowell and Gabi Nam Rating: 4 stars This August saw the release of the third installment of Rainbow Rowell’s manga version of Fangirl, my absolute favourite of her books (did I just buy a fancy tenth-anniversary edition, even though I own it in three other formats, NOT counting the mangas? You betcha). Cath is still struggling at college. Her writing partner Nick steals the story they’ve been working on together and makes her seem unreasonable for being upset […]
Some romantic books I read this summer and am reviewing now to reach a double Cannonball
Fangirl, the Manga: Volume 3 by Rainbow Rowell and Gabi Nam
Deal with the Devil by Kit Rocha
How the Wallflower Was Won by Eva Leigh
Knockout by Sarah Maclean