Blinder provides a very clear explanation of the events leading up to and after the Great Recession. Everyone should read this to understand why it happened and what we can do to avoid the next disaster. The review is here: … [Read more]
The Lions of Al-Rassan
A bout of insomnia the night before last made me pick up this book and give it another read. It had been long enough that I forgot most of the details of the plot, and I found it an enjoyable and easy read. I gave it 4 stars. Review is here: … [Read more]
MelBivDevoe’s CBR Review #1 – Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
For my first Cannonball Read review of the new year, I read one of my Christmas presents - … [Read more]
bonnie’s #CBR6 Review #1: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
I’ve been itching to re-read The Hunger Games trilogy for weeks now, and what better place to start than with a new CBR? On a sidenote: I’m *thrilled* to start all over again. It’s great fun to read everyone’s reviews and be inspired to add to my reading list. Less fun is reading about children … [Read more]
My 1st book is The 5th Wave
My first book of the new year was The 5th Wave by Rick Yancy. I had seen a pretty amazing book trailer for the book on the Penguin Young Readers channel on YouTube (check out the trailer at, and thought it would be an interesting read. If I had paid closer … [Read more]
Badkittyuno’s Review #1: Salt: A World History by Mark Kurlansky
"Salt: the only rock we eat". I've really been enjoying this class of books that Goodreads calls "microhistories", in which an author delves into a single subject with great detail. This particular book focuses on salt, which is a lot more interesting than you'd expect. Salt in some … [Read more]