For once, gleefully clicking “add to cart” on after consuming one-too-many sangrias has paid off! You see, I have been burned more than once by their “customers who bought this item also bought….” feature. I’ve learned to be wary. But the temperatures had climbed to the mid-nineties (unusual this early in the summer for my little burg in the Pacific Northwest), the cold fruity delicious wine flowed and defenses were down. I am so glad. I had the barest of inklings what this book was about, so I came into it with no preconceived notions. That served me well and every page was a delight.
Beware loneliness……Seek Solace…….Have Faith
Harry August is an ouroboran, one of the kalachakra. These are people who, after they die, are born again in exactly the same place, time and circumstances. The catch, is that they are born with the memories of the previous life (lives). Naturally this causes confusion at best and madness at worst. For Harry it was a system of trial and error, life after life until he learned about the Cronus Club. Down through the ages members of the Cronus Club would find others of their kind and help them along the way to understanding and living with their unique circumstances. Naturally, once all basic needs are met, thoughts turn to what the kalachakra could or indeed should do to change the course of world events.
I won’t spoil anything here or give out any more clues because I enjoyed coming into this blind. The novel is a ripping yarn, at times a spy novel, a crime novel, speculative fiction and more. I was completely absorbed in Harry’s lives and quests, happy to fall into whatever time period he was in and when the book really zeroed in on its main theme, I buckled in and raced to the finish.