It is that time of year when I don’t want anything too heavy to read. Oh, I’ll still read them, but I try to go on the lighter side when I can. I want something funny and/or light. I want something that will make my brain forget there are cranky, mean, rude people and things out there. I want Ame Dyckman! Now, I cannot have Ame Dyckman exactly, but I can have two of her books.
First, I will mention Duckie & Snaps: We Cannot Be Friends illustrated by Tim Miller. For some reason I thought it wasn’t her when I first found the online reader copy, therefore, I passed it by. I then was reading Silly Boobies: A Love Story illustrated by Christopher Weyant, today (also online). I thought that one was from the late teens of the 2000s, but it wasn’t so that got me thinking, what does she have new, and found Duckie & Snaps that is due in February 2025.
Now Duckie and Snaps is not a WOW! read, but it is pure Ame, with its offbeat, quirky and a little deranged, (but loveable) story. Duckie and Snaps are two eggs that hatch together. One is a duck and the other is an alligator. But then a big alligator comes along and says Snaps (named by Duckie) can’t be friends with Duckie as they (alligators) eat duckies. Hijinks (and some rumbling tummies) later, we learn how lunch … I mean a duck and an alligator can be friends (as long as there are bananas around).
Now Silly Boobies (did you know the bird was named that as the Spanish meaning was about how they were not clever as they let themselves walk up to the soldiers/sailors and let themselves get eaten?) are just that silly. And hint at Romeo and Juliet and Hatfield and McCoys (without the shooting). Now the Red Footed ones live on one island, the Blue Footed on the other. In the middle is a wise crab (who performs weddings). Now the usual “nope you can’t be a couple with Red/Blue” happens, but love wins out (and a little surprise when another hatchling happens).
Both illustrators take the route of keeping with the humor and the minimalist approach to make their marks. Duckie and Snaps comeout colorful and amusing (except one shouldn’t laugh when Duckie is made into a pie….) and the Boobies are proud of their feet….even when they gaze into each other’s eyes. They support the text, while not taking away.
Now someone who can’t help take away from his story is Snoopy. That silly pup is always front and center. Now how did I get to Snoopy from Ame? It was the other silly book I read that helped chill my brain out from some other rougher and harder books I have read. And it was called Love from Snoopy by Charles M. Schulz, adapted by Maggie Testa and illustrated by Scott Jeralds. This book came out recently, and though it talks about Love it is not a Valentine’s book. It is a book that you give to a loved one. It talks about love but not necessarily in a romantic way. It is a small stocking stuffer, little gift book. It is cute, simple and quick, but heart felt. There are simple, colorful illustrations that are not WOW but make you happy. It is meant for all ages and types of readers. It is a nice way to end your day and to end this review.