I just read a terrible romance where the heroine is a senior at Penn, the hero is a 40-ish doctor who stops in at the coffee shop where she works once a week. He turns out to be an ob/gyn who volunteers at the university’s clinic once a week. Want to guess who her random doctor is when she goes in for birth control? Or who turns out to be a heiress and illegitimate daughter of a now deceased US Senator? Or who winds up pregnant after having unprotected sex with an ob/gyn?
This book is rated 4.5 stars by almost 500 reviewers.
This book has a banner proudly proclaiming it as the number 1 romantic comedy on amazon.com.
That many people can’t be wrong, right?
They never discuss why they love each other beyond physical appearance, the fact that he likes that he’s the only one she’s ever had sex with, and that they have a mutual fetish.
Seriously? This is worse than finding out that Kristen Ashley has thousands of loyal readers.
I don’t have anything against a May-August romance as long as there is some basis for it, but this book is really just an excuse for poorly written fetish sex scenes. I tend to think of myself as a pretty tolerant individual, and firmly believe that everyone should be allowed to find pleasure where they can, but a gynecological exam? The only thing I can think of off hand that would be less sexy involves excrement or urine.