Three months have passed since all of the adults have disappeared and the kids are struggling in the FAYZ (Fallout Alley Youth Zone). Everyone is starving through previous mismanagement of food and due to other creature evolution. Let’s just say farming has just gotten a little bit more dangerous. Tensions are building because Sam, doesn’t have the ability to solve everyone’s problems and is just as frustrated as everyone else because no one else seems to be coming up with any solutions to the numerous […]
Starships Were Meant to Fly, Hands Up to Touch the Sky
Ask the Passengers by A.S. King is a touching little book about something I really hadn’t thought about more than just in passing (and really that’s a huge shame on me)– and that is–what is it like to be a teenager and not be exactly sure of one’s sexuality? I grew up knowing that boys did something for me–it was very clear to me at the age of three when I started slobbering on my TV whenever John Schneider slid across the hood of the […]
For All The Invisible Girls
I don’t remember the first book of Sarah Dessen’s I read, or when I read it. She’s one of those authors that I just started reading at some point (probably college, or shortly there after) and never stopped. Her books are these wonderful balms for the soul and they’re the ones I always turn to when I just need to feel better about life. Following her on twitter ( had the wonderful side effect of making me love her more. She seems like one of […]