What better way to go out on CBR bingo than on the “this is the end” square for the last of the Old Man’s War series entitled The End of All Things? Poetic. This wraps up the war between the CDF and Conclave (with special guest Equilibrium) in Star Wars fashion – with politics! Ok, im being unduly harsh, Scalzi does what he’s done this whole series to great effect – taking an interesting idea from his last book and expanding on it – particularly […]
Bringing the Jackaby Series to a Close (Bingo #8)
While I have a couple of series underway, there was only one where the final book was the only one I had left to read, so the This Is The End square was a simple choice. The Jackaby series is comprised of four books, Jackaby, The Beastly Bones, Ghostly Echoes, and The Dire King. I have absolutely enjoyed my time with the series over the past few years, but the fourth book was unfortunately the weakest. The Dire King continues the story of the Seelie […]
You know what sucks? Not this!
This is the 6th and final book of the Scott Pilgrim volumes. I read only the final book, despite it being years since last revisiting the series*. I first read Scott Pilgrim in my early 20’s, back when I still believed in love and Michael Cera, but now I’m totally grown up and recognize Pilgrim for the whiny twat he is. PSYCH. I still love him. The Scott Pilgrim series tells the story of Scott who meets Ramona at a party and falls head over […]
Humans Are Bad at Security/Did They Think I was Human?
CBR10 Bingo – Exist Strategy, This is the End I fell in love with Murderbot in the very first paragraph of All Systems Red. I loved the first two novellas without reservation. The third novella, Rogue Protocol, was more of a challenge, and then Exit Strategy wrapped the series up nicely and left room for more Murderbot. I would really like more Murderbot. Perhaps some Murderbot and ART adventures. Murderbot and I both had a harder time with Rogue Protocol because of the human form robot Miki. Miki is the Barney […]
#CBR10Bingo: This is the end – Magic Triumphs
#CBR10Bingo: This is the end This is the tenth and final book in a long running series. As such, there may be spoilers for the contents of at least previous books, as well as mild spoilers for the plot of this one. More importantly, it is NOT the place to start. The proper place to begin is Magic Bites. The book is a bit rough, but stick with it, this series is among the best paranormal fantasy out there. I’ve spent more than eleven hours on a […]