We were sent an ARC of this book. The author wrote, and I quote: Well, keep in mind, another author said “Well, this is sweet for YOU.” *grins*. Cool! How bad could it be? Patty: So, there’s this author… she loves to give her characters a HEA but not before she skins them alive, pours gasoline on them, and reaches into her pocket for a lighter. Katie: I’m not sure how, exactly, but at some point Rhys Ford added PattyKates to her list of ARC […]
Fish Stick Fridays. We didn’t even need to quip on the title for this one.
NOTE: Rhys Ford contacted both Patty and Katie about reviewing her new book, Fish Stick Fridays, which is due out in November. She provided us with ARCs in exchange for a fair and honest review. Katie: Deacon is badass motorcycle-riding ex-con. He’s been to prison for knowingly receiving and using stolen motorcycle parts at his custom motorcycle shop. In the meantime, his younger sister took a road less traveled as well, and not in a good way. Deanna (I think, I honestly don’t remember her name. […]
Cool Contemporary Romance Title, Unsettling Content
So, that’s a super cool title. I received this contemporary romance as a gift, not for an “honest review” as one so often hears, but because Katie71483 is lovely and knew I was looking for a good LGBT romance. The Sinner’s Gin of the title is a blues-rock band that experiences a horrible tragedy the same night they win a handful of Grammys. Glorying in their success, their limo is t-boned by a large truck and three of the four band members are killed. The […]
This one goes up to 11!
Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon is perhaps too obvious a choice of theme song for a review of a romance novel involving a rock star who has lost his band to a tragic traffic accident and a cop who is such a cliche that it almost hurts, but who cares? It’s a great song by a great band. I’m leaving it in. Sinner’s Gin is the first in a series by Rhys Ford about the remnants of rock band and a family of […]
Hold me closer, tiny dancer
I’m not sure what “Sloe Ride” title of Rhys Ford’s new book is referring to, but that’s a small quibble for an otherwise generally enjoyable book. It’s number 4 in The Sinners series, and while I was able to follow it without too much effort, I think I would’ve enjoyed it more if I’d read books 1-3 first. There were enough references to recurring characters and earlier occurrences that made it pretty clear I should’ve already known these secondary (in this book) storylines. They are […]
Rhys Ford needs a hug. Patty and Katie are whimpering in the corner.
Katharine: Rhys Ford emailed me a couple of weeks ago and asked if Patty and I would be interested in reviewing an ARC of her new book, Ink and Shadows. We said, “OF COURSE.” Like there was a question there or something. Whatevs. She did warn us up front that it was a bit of a departure, but I wasn’t really expecting this. Patricia: OK. I really think Rhys Ford needs a hug. Katie, you are familiar with human feeling things, hug her. Please. Omg […]