AKA Why this week’s library haul had me in tears. There’s a lot to go over in this review, so I’m bear with me: There’s a reason these books are together like this, I promise. Dad & The Dinosaur by Gennifer Choldenko –Nicholas isn’t brave like his dad: He’s afraid of all sorts of things, like bugs, & darkness, & manhole covers. But he has a secret weapon: A dinosaur that “likes the dark, bugs are nothing to them, and they eat manhole covers for […]
Let’s spend a little of your hard-earned Christmas book buying budget on some books we wished we could have read as children.
What if, Pig? by Lizzie Hunter
Dad & The Dinosaur by Gennifer Choldenko
Captain Starfish by Davinia Bell
You've Got Dragons by Kathryn Cave
When You Are Brave by Pat Zietlow Miller