It’s become somewhat fashionable to dogpile on Lena Dunham, but she always seemed like the dark side of Jennifer Lawrence to me – quirky, outspoken, maybe a wee bit too invested in being both those things and not quite invested enough in self reflection despite all the self involvement – and to be frank, I assumed that much of the backlash was from having that attitude without being Hollywood-pretty. (I mean she IS gorgeous, but she’s not a size zero, and for a female celebrity […]
Sort of My Kind of Girl?
Lena Dunham has inspired a lot of feelings for such a young woman. For whatever reason, people tend to feel pretty strongly either that she is the worst thing that has happened to her generation or that she’s a funny, brave young woman with some serious talent. However you feel about her or her show Girls or any of her other work, you can’t deny that she has something; if she didn’t, no one would give a shit one way or the other. Personally, I […]
A Different Kind of Memoir
I was kind of expecting to like this more than I did. My familiarity with Lena Dunham is completely based on her presence on social media — I’ve never watched Girls or any of her movies. But I like her — she’s smart, she’s bold, she’s trying to change things. But I just didn’t feel much for this book. “There is nothing gutsier to me than a person announcing that their story is one that deserves to be told, especially if that person is a woman.” One thing […]
I like Dunham, but have mixed feelings about this book
Here’s my review (coming soon) of Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham. Click here.
Not That Kind of Girl
Lena Dunham is the writer, producer, director and star of HBO’s “Girls”- one of the more divisive TV shows on right now. My husband absolutely hates her. However, he absolutely loves me so he bought me her memoir as one of our Anniversary gifts (year one is paper) because despite his protests “Girls” is one of my guilty pleasures. Lena Dunham is kind of a mess- but for the most part she owns it. She is not relatable in anyway; unless you are an OCD […]