We have seen this story before: Boys cannot do magic. They cannot be witches. The non witches also think witches are evil and bad. Witches think non witches are beneath them and if they have any trace of magic it is not pure and therefore not worthy of paying attention to. But in Pacheco and the Witch of the Mountain: A Graphic Novel by Juan E. Zambrano (due June 2025) this story is told with a bit of fun and humor, plus a few twists and turns to make it new. The setting is based in Latin mythology and culture and added to that we have a few characters that are silly and good, plus evil and hopefully can change. It is not your parents “Be Yourself” Story, as I think there are a few modern elements added (one or two characters are probably in the LGBTQ community).
The story itself is good, but there could have been a smidgen more to it for my personal tastes. However, for the aged 7 to 10 it is perfect. The illustrations are fun, colorful and even have a touch of humor to them as well. We follow Pacheco, a fisherman’s son and grandson who wants to do magic, and his reluctant witch mentor Doris. As we move along we see the old world ways, the chance of something different and even a bit of environmentalism and animal protection aspects. It is a good story of being true to yourself, with a LGBTQ overtones that if are not actually there, are hinted at and used to show representation. The ending was not completely what I wanted to see, but as it feels like a series, the issue I was having might change.
I read via an online reader copy despite at first thinking it wasn’t something I wanted to read. The cover wasn’t grabbing me, but I gave it a shot and when it comes out in early summer you should give it a shot as well. It might not Rock Your World, but you will have a fun moment or two.