I liked the graphic novel Knots by Colleen Frakes. It is a cute story of growing up and the hair that is the center of the woes, but also the love. Well, maybe not the center of the love, but it all comes together. This is a cozy story that is somewhat based on the author’s life experiences. We have Norah, her family and her opposite personality best friend. We have school issues, life issues and, again, the hair issues. We have family problems (younger sister issues, mom and dad working issues, mom needing to move away for her job issues, dad being a… well a guy… issues) and we have the moving (around a lot) issues. There is a lot of life happening on the pages. There is nothing that is WOW! Knock my socks off! But it is all good. It is all relatable. It is all fun. It is a good, cozy, enjoyable book.
The illustrations are not jumping off the page wow, either, but they are also fun. They support things with the right amount of details and needed colors. Nothing is flashy but they get the job done. The book is for the aged (strong) 8 to 13 (maybe a young 14) reader, and that is shown with the younger images. I like them. I’m not saying the best ever, but I felt they were funny and kept things light, but did not shirk on the needed emotion either.
I plan on finding Prison Island: A Graphic Memoir, (from 2015) because I like the jobs the parents have. Norah (the character) and Colleen (the author) have parents who work in the prison system as guards. That unique take on growing up is not one really focused on, so why not try and learn more about it? Knots is currently available in both hardcover and paper, but I read via an online reader copy.