Recently I located a list of books that were recommended by other booksellers across the country. I found the picture book section and said, “Online reading here I come.” And I was able to read most of them (I have one in physical form so I passed and I have two more to read), but one that really stuck out to me was Into the Goblin Market by Vikki VanSickle and Jensine Eckwall as the illustrator.
It is a contemporary folktale or fairy tale that also has a classical feeling as well. It is clever and unique but it also has a familiar story as well. The ages vary due to the sensitivity level of your reader, but can work for all ages, including adults. The theme is two sisters, one cautious and the other more adventurous, find themselves in the middle of a magical situation. The adventurous sister finds her way to the forbidden goblin market, where she disappears; making her sister become brave, and go out of her comfort zone to find her. Of course, the rules of fairy apply (don’t eat their food, don’t listen to the piper, and make sure you follow the rules… even if you are not aware of them). And the adventures are nods to familiar stories.
The illustrations are what really drew me in. The story is good. Even if it is a smidgen “spooky” (but not bleakly dark, just concepts are mysterious). I liked it and found it entertaining, but the black and white art that has red as highlights is always clever and eye-catching. Honestly, though it is being used more (or at least I am seeing it more) I don’t think it will ever lose its charm.
Publisher description: An ode to Christina Rossetti’s classic poem