But Sigourney Weaver is a murderous narcissist and Jennifer Love Hewitt loves her, hates her, and is terrified by her. Just like the classic 2001 film!
Beautiful, accomplished Bea is about to marry the extremely rich man of her dreams and disappear into a life of peaceful domesticity. Her only problem is winning over his protective family who think she’s a gold digger along with everyone else in his upper class social circle who are determined to keep her out. And then there’s the best friend who is not so secretly is in love with him and wants to destroy Bea. No problem! Except Bea is actually a creation of our con artist main character and did she really cover her tracks well enough? And where exactly is the mother who taught Bea everything she knows?
We follow Bea as she pursues her ultimate goal of marrying into a wealthy East Coast family and hanging up her tricks for good. There are flashbacks to Bea throughout her childhood following her mother from con to con. Some of the dialogue is a little crunchy and I guessed a few of the twists early but I didn’t really mind that. I enjoyed it more than Emma Cline’s recent ‘The Guest’ which has a similar young escort, con-artist protagonist. I would classify this as more of a beach read thriller. Overall an enjoyable debut from an author whose work I will keep an eye out for in the future.