Daniel is a boy who likes to know “What’s new?” And no more so when he is asked “What’s New Daniel?”. So one day, he explores the neighborhood and sees all the wonderful, hidden gems and the not so hidden ones, then reports back and asks, “Well, what’s new?” to them.
Micha Archer’s story is simple, but fun. It is a neat introduction to how we can see our world from a new angle. Daniel is an example of what a curious child (or even adult) can find. And their illustrations are equally magical. The colors and details mesh, making it feel real. The characters are diverse, and it is written in a straightforward manner.
I read this as a reader copy online, and want to see the final version in mid-February 2024 as I think there will be a few things that will change the ages this could work for. Currently I am feeling it would be great for a toddler to about first grade. However, if it is done in a smaller picture book size or board book, the older group would probably be turned off from it.
However, currently available, it does look like there are other Daniel books, Daniel Finds a Poem and Daniel’s Good Day. And as a fun sidenote, these books could possibly be found in Chinese, Japanese, or Koeran. Not to mention, Archer is the author of Wonder Walkers, and the illustrator of Snow Horses: A First Night Story and several others. This allows you to find something else if you enjoy Daniel stories or are looking for something different.