Did you like The Story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf? Or mor accurately the movie starring the voice talent of John Cena as Ferdinand? Then you should try this similar title, Clovis Keeps His Cool by Katelyn Aronson. This book is a concept book with the concept being “Clovis is a bull but not a bully.”
Clovis tries to be a good, zen-like bull. He runs his grandmother’s china shop (yes, the joke “bull in a china shop is less than subtle), putting his football days behind him. Still, he has a temper and sometimes he almost loses it, especially when a couple players from an opposing team start to tease him. Of course, you know eventually Clovis will lose his temper, but learns how to be a bull and not a bully like he use to be, and in the process makes new friends.
“Grace, grace, nothing broken to replace.” Might be the mantra of Clovis, but if you damaged or lose this book (even by accident) you will want to replace it. It is a funny story, but also a nice message. And you will want the book for Eve Farb’s illustrations.
These images are colorful, detailed and you will find yourself holding your breath as you see the china around the shop, as you see the delicateness of the teacups and such. Yes, you can feel the tension in text and art. The color is fun. There is a lot to see and a lot to learn. All ages can enjoy this picture book.