Africa’s brother tells her that she cannot do something she has never done before. And while Africa partly agrees, she is not going to let that stop her from entering the Double Dutch competition on Sunday. She is going to show the world what she is made of. She is going to dance, jump and Fly. Brittany J. Thurman’s picture book is about a plucky little girl and the big determination she has.
Africa cannot Double Dutch, but she will teach herself how. It cannot be that hard. But she quickly learns that it is not as easy as she hoped. With the help of her friends, brother, and the spirit of the ones who came before, Africa does whatever it takes to get the right moves down. She will jive, clap, cartwheel and step up and get the job done!
Birdie, Birdie in the Sky
Birdie, birdie in the sky,
Why’d ya do that in my eye?
Birdie, birdie in the sky,
Gee, I’m glad that cows don’t fly.
(not from book, but a Double Dutch rhyme)
A delightfully cute book about doing what it takes to make your dream come true. Anna Cunha’s illustrations are cozy and happy. A publisher review calls them, “spare, matte illustrations presented in airy panoramic spreads of earth tones and pastels create a spectacular visual. The rich and beautiful chalklike textures showcase children of various skin tones, all with happy faces and prominent rosy cheeks, emphasizing joy.”
I could not say it better if I tried (and I did, why I took what they said word for word). The story we have seen before. We have seen the trying, having confidence in yourself before. But the artwork is what makes it fresh. I want to find more of their works. And I am sure they are as lovely and complimentary to their books text as these are here.