What book was going to be my cbr12bingo Music block? Though I could not remember the title right off, I knew a book about a whale I had read would be perfect. After bugging a coworker to 1) read it and 2) tell me the title I found it.
The background to the book is almost as fun. as the book itself. As I said, after I had found this book that had caught my eye because of its lovely blue cover, that allowed me to see a lovely whale breaching which allowed me to see a lovely golden ukulele, I had to go on a remembering tour of the title. But when you only remember a ukulele and a whale, it does make it a little harder to research. But find it once again I did.
Obviously, Lloyd Finds His Whalesong is not going to be a realistic story. So, what did Skylaar Amann wanted to tell me, the reader? Was it going to be dull and just another animal doing human things, or was it going to have a nice point to it? And what it is, is an adorable book about one little whale and how their special song helps his family. It also is an introduction to whales and the environmental issue of noise pollution in the oceans.
Lloyd’s voice is not strong, but when his family needs him the most, his special song comes alive to help them. It is just a cozy story (with a tad bit of a thrill) about finding your unique voice. But it then educates without being dull or dry like a “school/text” book could be. And the illustrations are just adorable. You can judge the books inside art by its cover. You see the colors of the ocean done boldly and yet also softly. There is the right amount of details and you can read them as well as the text.
And while all ages can learn and enjoy the best ages, I would say would be for the 5 to 8 age range. But a strong reader could read on their own.