My job has many layers, but unlike an onion, only some stink. One layer that does not stink is finding new books. Today a customer needed a book for a student of theirs. Federico and the Wolf. I pictured some stuffy looking cover. An old Mexican folk tale. Rich with history but dry.
Boy was I surprised!
Rebecca J. Gomez and Elisa Chavarri created a clever take on the Little Red Riding Hood story told with a Mexican American twist. Rhyming and just bouncy text along with humor, that is accented with bold images, shows the familiar story in a new light. A glossary at the end helps with the Spanish words. Our Federico must get the ingredients for a special treat. On his way to his Abuelo’s house, he runs into a wolf. And the story stays similar: One wolf wants to eat our main character, grandfather is locked in a trunk (okay that one might be new) and Federico saves the day with a little help from a spicy weapon, wolf runs away, munchies and crunchies ensue!
The best part of the book is there is also a recipe for the salsa that Federico and Abuelo make at the end. Or perhaps, I should say, it probably is the best part of the book as a) food is always the best part and b) I have not tried it but see the first point. Until then the fantastically bright images and quick text will have to hold you over with the story as the main course.