This is the first in a new graphic novel series about one out-there cookie and one shy green vegetable. Cookie and Broccoli: Ready for School by Bob McMahon would be good for fans of Narwhal and Jelly books by Ben Clanton or Pizza and Taco by Stephen Shaskan. (And as a side note, I was informed Pizza and Taco was a big hit with a set of friends ranging from second grade to the 12-year-old).
Cookie is happy, excited and ready for anything. Who cares that he is having trouble finding Room 5! It is an adventure! Broccoli is scared, nervous and he cannot find Room 5! What is he too do? This is not an adventure! When these unlike pair of friends ker-bonk into each other, the fun just begins. Together they learn how to have adventures together, that the other is not that weird (okay maybe a bit odd, but that is what makes them so cool) and how to help each other out when things get a little tough for them.
A book about friendship with basic text, simple illustrations that can be a bit simplistic, but never dull or not complimentary to the story. You never have worry about them not telling the story right along with the text. This is an easy book to read, good for the beginning reader. It might be hard to read to a group, but one-on-one would work as well as solo reading. Not for everyone, but if you like modern themes and humor, this would be a good book to try.