Can you believe that I have never read Oh, the Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Seuss? I have known about it for years, but never picked it up. Mostly because (and this is blasphemy I know) I am not a big fan of the good Doctor. That comes from the fact my mother was not a fan and therefore, we never had it read to us (myself and my sister). My exposure came from teachers and what I found as an adult.
With that said, I have come to appreciate the work of Dr. Seuss as an adult, yet still am not a fan. The nonsense of his works can be off putting. However, this time, this book is not exactly a “Dr. Seuss” book, but still there is no question who the author is. The artwork is pure Seuss in all its ridiculous glory. Which can also be the charm of the author.
This is a graduation speech for all ages. I do think that the high schooler or college graduate might get more out of it than the preschool to middle schooler graduate, but it has something for everyone. It could also be used as a wedding gift (which actually might be a better use as it is not thought of for such an occasion).
With that said, trust that someone will give your graduate this. There is nothing more annoying than five copies of Oh the Places You’ll Go! to the graduate. If you must give a Dr. Seuss to someone, I would recommend a less popular title. Or another book altogether. Mostly a book that is not a popular title. My feelings lean towards this theme of less popular for any important gift giving event. Then if you find out that the person has not gotten a popular title then by all means go for it!