Sometimes when you find a rated three book it can be hard to write a review. “It is a nice book. It is pretty. You should read this book.” The end.
However, with Captain Starfish there is more but how does one describe the fact that the classic feel of the illustrations sets the tone of the story? How do I say that the modern theme of overcoming fear has a slightly different take this time? Is it possible to say that this time the hero of our story does not solve his problem in the manner we have become accustomed to?
Probably not. After all Davina Bell has put words to paper and Allison Colpoys put ink to page but how do I, the reader, let you the review reader know that the blues and pinks of the art have a cozy, almost European feel? Perhaps maybe even that the story is not set now but in the past. That they, these simple, but what is needed detailed illustrations, need to be read jut as much as the straight forward, child-like text? I do not think it is possible to say that our hero, Alfie, has a common problem, but not a common solution.
This book is something that needs to be experienced by the individual. It is something that needs to be read a few times. Did I miss something? Was there some piece of information that I now relate to? Or perhaps, my first thoughts were right and this is not a very good book. It all depends on you the reader.