Overall, I like this book. There is nothing wrong with it. I just do not think it is something as an adult I will reread. I can see kids enjoying it for the flap surprises and the engaging colors of the illustrations. The fact it is a see/learn about colors and habitats book/an educational book as well means it would be great for a preschool classroom as well as the toddler set.
Make it Grow: Bring Nature to Life by Lifting the Flaps by Debbie Powell has fun, rhyming text and sweet, vivid illustrations. They are a bit abstract which lends to the charm of them. There are fun surprises hidden within the multiple flaps on each bag. Colors are repeated as many things are red, blue, green, and so forth. You will be making a rainbow of finds.
While the colors are bold, they are not overwhelming or “in your face.” They do have a soothing tone as well as help move the story and reader along. The last page has a special surprise to find.
You also learn about different habitats and what colors you would find there. These two pieces of information is not dull as they naturally flow as a story. You will learn about things you might already know about (toadstools) but as you live near that habitat and not the desert, those finds will be new to you. You will see the ocean, desert, meadows and more. The world is held between the pages of this book.