“It’s good to cry at fiction. It makes it real.”
A friend once said that to me and like the dweeb I am I wrote it down and saved it. Because I have the coolest friends, #obvs, and because it is good to cry at fiction, it means it’s real. And let me tell you this book is the realest out there.
It’s also maybe a kids book?
Whatever. Chunky Rice is a turtle who decides to leave his best friend Dandel to go traveling. There’s no real reason for this. Chunky Rice is a turtle and his home is on his back

All of his friends help him set off on this journey. His landlord takes him to the docks and then Chunky sets off with a semi-corrupt captain and a pair of siamese twins who are off to find a new job.
At the same time we get to peek at the friends left behind as Dandel everyday rides the city and collects glass bottles in which she puts letters for Chunky and sends them out to sea.

This book is for anyone who’s ever felt at home in a person or a place, it’s for anyone who’s never quite felt at home in themselves and keep traveling to find it, and it’s for anyone who’s ever been left behind, sending out letters in bottles on the ocean. We miss you, too.