Lucy Hutton is oblivious. Let me just start with that. It is abundantly clear within the first chapter, so I don’t think that this is a spoiler, unless you are also oblivious… Basically, this is the story of two office mates with a lot of pent-up sexual frustration. I do not like romances or chic flicks, but I listened to this book on the advice of BethEllen.
I will say, that it’s a cute story and some of the quips of the characters made me laugh. I don’t think I was surprised at any point in the story, but I think that is expected in this genre. (This would definitely be movie worthy but I probably wouldn’t see it.) It was a light-hearted book that I needed in the middle of the Throne of Glass series which is consuming the majority of my audiobook time.
I am still extremely frustrated that all the women in these sorts of books are tiny and frail and cute. Since I am definitely in no danger of being characterized in that way, it would be nice to see more ladies of a slightly taller than average height… perhaps with a romantic interest who is only slightly taller than the leading lady (so she can’t wear high heels). BethEllen has had to bear with my ramblings about what my romance novel would be. No one would read it ever. 5’9 average lady finds 6′ average guy. There is no insta-love but also they are not so caught up in their own minds that they don’t realize when the other is interested. There would also not be any playing-hard-to-get actions or the like. Yep, no one would read it… it would be over in 10 chapters, max.
Bottom line, I’m not unhappy that I read this one, it was short and cute (like Lucy) and at least she finally grows a backbone by the end.