This Charlaine Harris series is my guilty pleasure, the dirty secret I try not to read in public. I don’t think they are particularly great, but sometimes when life is tough you just need brain candy, and this is where I turn.
Ironically, I read the next book in the series before this one because I simply didn’t realize I had skipped it. Her writing style is such that each book spends half the time explaining what happened before, and it had been a while since I put this series down, so I hardly even noticed. It was only when checking my Goodreads I realized I hadn’t posted a review. Thanks, Goodreads!
This is the 3rd to last in the Sookie Stackhouse series. Vampire, werewolves, fairies, violence, sex, it has all the trappings of all the rest of them. The writing is chopping, the relationships are terrible, but it’s a fun romp. I considered skipping it since I already knew the plot points by accidentally reading ahead, but I am waaaay too anal for that. I can now sleep easy as I wait to read the final of the series at another time I need an easy read during a rough patch.