I try, whenever I can, to dare greatly. I didn’t think of it this way until I started reading Brené Brown’s book “Daring Greatly: How The Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead”. She opens with a quote from Theodore Roosevelt’s speech “Citizenship in a Republic” that explains where she got the idea for the title of the book: It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where […]
Rock Star Lessons in the Forgotten Arts: Amanda Palmer tackles Vulnerability, Connection, & Asking For Help
As a fan of The Dresden Dolls for over ten years and an avid reader, I was over the moon when I heard that Amanda Palmer was going to write a book. Even moreso when I heard that it was going to be along the same lines of work that the amazing Brené Brown (who actually wound up writing the Foreword to this book). It’s no secret that Amanda is super in touch with fans, known to put out calls via twitter for everything from advice […]
Vulnerability: daring greatly, indeed.
My beloved pastor, J, had recommended Brené Brown’s Daring Greatly as a book worth reading. She mentioned that vulnerability, confidence, and wholeheartedness were all things to strive for and Brown covers them all. I was interested—and more than one person recommended Daring Greatly to me, which is enough to put it on the reading list. Plus, in my teaching philosophy last year, I talked about professional vulnerability and thought that an expert’s words might help me articulate my thoughts better. Brown focuses on what makes […]