It wasn’t too long ago that, upon reading a highly enjoyable seaward romance, I thought to myself “this is a niche I want to explore.” Lo and behold, I happen upon a recommendation for Almost a Scandal, only to find it was already on my TBR, and away we go! This was a true delight — about 4.5 stars, and I honestly can’t think of a good reason why I’m leaving off that last .5, other than some nebulous form of contrarianism. But let’s not quibble — […]
I Do So Hope the Author’s Middle Name Is Anne
William (Will) Jellicoe and Antigone Preston meet at a private ball. They recognize each other as kindred spirits and instantly embark on a friendship while falling in love. There is just one little problem… Antigone’s father has just passed away and she has been precipitously promised in marriage to a man three times her age and fifty times her immorality. Her mother, a panicky, long-game playing schemer, wants the advantageous match for Antigone to help facilitate an even better one for her other daughter, Cassandra. […]