Once again, I’m one of the last ones to jump on the Courtney Milan bandwagon. Last year, Milan was an author I had never heard of, writing books in a genre that I knew nothing about. And then I followed the advice of my fellow Cannonballers and read her Brothers Sinister series — and I really liked them. Milan was a good writer who really appreciated history and strong women. This year, the buzz was all about Milan’s entry into the contemporary, New Adult genre, and her […]
CBR7 9 and 10
I’ve been meaning to get around to reading more romances lately. Nothing I’ve read this year (till last week) included any cascading hair, pert nipples, rock-hard abs, or stays. To remedy this I bought the first four books in Courtney Milan’s Brothers Sinister series (one was free actually, yay!). I’ll review the first two here because why not? The others will follow later, after I’ve finished a couple things The Duchess War The first in the Brothers Sinister series concerns Miss Minerva Lane (aka Wilhemina […]