One of the books my book club selected this year was Aziz Ansari’s Modern Romance. Our membership only contains one single woman, but we could all relate in some way to the foibles of dating in a modern age. In Modern Romance, Aziz works with an NYU sociologist to research anything and everything on the modern romance scene, to fascinating and incredibly relatable results. The book is written mostly from Aziz’s point of view and if you’re familiar with his excellent Netflix show “Master of […]
It’s a jungle out there…
“Our romantic options are unprecedented and our tools to sort and communicate with them are staggering. And that raises the question: Why are so many people frustrated?” I hadn’t planned on reading Modern Romance, I’m married, but CBR had numerous enthusiastic reviews so I decided to find out what all the fuss was about. I’d be interested to see what Aziz would have to say about my particular romantic path. I met my husband in 8th grade (he gave me a Lifehouse CD for my […]
No more for the girl next door
I wasn’t particularly interested in this one when it first came out. I’ve only ever really seen Aziz on Parks&Rec, and I’m not a stand up comedy kind of gal usually so I didn’t know almost anything about his comedy. When I discovered, reading reviews of my fellow lovely Ballers, that is was actually a sociology book with some humor mixed in I was way more on board. Modern Romance came about from Aziz being curious about how people are finding each other in our […]
“The world is available to us, but that may be the problem.”
I was a little nervous to read this, despite my love for Aziz Ansari (and I do love him — I am the biggest Parks & Rec fan and he’s the greatest on there), because while I’m (fairly) young, I’ve been married for almost 11 years and never really had to deal with dating in a modern age. I met my husband when I was in high school (we worked together) and got married a year after I graduated. I know I remember texting being around then, […]
Not another celebrity biography at all
My experience with Aziz Ansari prior to getting this audiobook was as follows. Playing exuberant, outgoing and quite exasperating pop culture and fashion obsessive Tom Haverford on Parks and Recreation, then more recently in Master of None as struggling New York actor Dev, who while quite different from Tom, frequently exasperated me nonetheless with his constant whining and inability to accept how good he had it, being really very privileged even as a minority actor. As a result, I wasn’t really all that interested in […]
In which I hold back and refrain from geeking out about technology..
Oh boy oh boy! If I didn’t already have a crush on Aziz Ansari before reading this book, I definitely do now. Holy smokes that man is adorable! This book read kind of like a bunch of blog-entries strung together; like something from from way back when it was awesome (I don’t know what’s hip now as I am no longer young, #obvs.) Modern Romance is a sociological study of technologies impact on modern dating patterns and relationships. As we travel through America, Japan, […]