While I missed Annihilation in theatres, I was very pleased to see it show up on Netflix. I know there were some mixed reviews, but it certainly got people talking and I was thrilled to see a cast made up almost entirely of women (TESSA THOMPSON) in a real science fiction movie to boot. I had not read the book prior to seeing the movie and had tried to avoid reviews with spoilers. I found the movie deeply unsettling – moody and dark with interesting […]
Where lies the strangling fruit that came from the hand of the sinner I shall bring forth the seeds of the dead…
Southern Reach Trilogy is a smart and scary science fiction story that offers literate thrills for those willing to stick through it. The trilogy is LOST crossed with an apocalyptic Lovecraft scenario. It’s an ecological disaster story at heart but spends considerable amount of time examining the people and things that are exposed to the mysterious Area X and detailing the effects it has on them. Note: I read the 3 volumes that make up the Southern Reach trilogy separately. The Amazon link is for […]