Beloved is the story of Sethe, an escaped slave surviving the transition of freedom after the end of the Civil War, and her community of people moving on after tragedy, abuse, debasement and a life less than human. Beloved is also the story of a stranger who appears at their door, bearing the same … [Read more]
Recent Reviews
CB VI #1: Gone Girl
I wait to read stuff till it goes on sale on Amazon. I'm cheap, and I rarely feel the need to be completely culturally on the up-and-up (unless it's Harry Potter or Avengers, but that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish). So … [Read more]
Glorious Mess
I’m usually a big fan of Burke’s beautiful and brutal prose and this isn’t the first Dave Robicheaux novel to take place outside of Louisiana, but somehow the whole thing didn’t click for me. It felt like there were too many moving parts. There’s a serial killer, who everyone thinks is dead, who … [Read more]
Jizz rags in the Jazz Age, whaat?
You'll have to click through to see what I'm talking about with that title. … [Read more]
"Luck—that was what a man needed to thrive in this universe. It changed the scale. A star couldn't have good luck—a planet couldn't. That took something alive and conscious, something like a man." While exploring the galactic core, the Enterprise finds a lost Federation shuttle with a crazy … [Read more]
A little Romance to start the CBR6
So, after a less than pleasant reading experience of Northanger Abbey, in which I never should have read the publisher’s note at the beginning as it ruined the plot of the novel for me and kept me from really sinking in to the narrative, at the end of last year (I couldn’t manage to get it finished … [Read more]