I’ve read some interesting stuff lately and I wish I had made more time to document it but life gets in the way that life sometimes does. Not all bad, just life.
To Start A War****
I had a long thing here about connecting this to the 2024 election but I don’t want to talk current electoral politics on here, at least the specifics of them. A good book if you want to know the intelligence (ha) perspective of how we wound up in a war with Iraq for no reason.
The Travelers****
The bottom line is Hitchcock-meets-Ambler is so 100% my thing that it’s hard to screw up and Chris Pavone doesn’t. A travel book designed to be read to pass time during the act of traveling. Has its shortcomings and I don’t care, I enjoyed it immensely.
A Walk Among the Tombstones***
A lot of Scudder novels have held up better than I remember on this reread journey. This ain’t one. In fact, having a good idea of what was coming kind of made it worse. Also, it’s just needlessly long. Love TJ, love the tech sleuthing but beyond that, this is one of my least favorite of the series.
Was prepared to dock it a star because I hate two-cases-at-once mysteries. And it wasn’t great. But I love how well Sansom evoked Reformation era England, complete with politics and paranoia. Also really liked the ending. This is a cool series.
Certainly deserves the Pulitzer. The CIA’s ineptitude in the region is one thing but the strength of the book is documenting the political evolution of Afghanistan from the beginning of the war with the USSR to 9/10/2001. Thoroughly researched, it left me feeling conflicted on what the best use of foreign policy would be in that region. No easy narrative, no heroes. Just violence and the anger that comes from violence and the cycle that never stops.