The focus of having the character of Killer Croc (Waylon Jones) as the “hero” in the Sara Farizan and Nicoletta Baldari graphic novel, My Buddy, Killer Croc, is a familiar but good twist. However, the one thing I was wondering is if the reader will understand that Killer Croc, no matter how “good or nice” he seems, is not a “good guy” due to how he is mostly good to the main character (or seems to be on the surface). There is an interesting nod to the Aunt of the story being bisexual, but it is glossed over (perhaps we are being set up for a sequel?). Therefore, I am not sure if it was really needed or perhaps this concept could have been introduced in a less clunky manner. And there is some diversity to the supporting characters.
Overall, this is a cozy story about real love and friendship. I enjoyed it, but it was not OMG my favorite book ever. Unfortunately, the illustrations were sometimes too crowded to view them comfortably, but work for the comic-graphic novel setting. They are colorful when color is needed, and dark with shadows when also needed.
The interesting touch to things is how both the young main character, Andy, and his aunt are not really Batman (or Bruce Wayne) fans. This might mean something if you know the DC universe. Or not. But the obvious “nod nod wink wink” aspects of having Bruce Wayne have a “Superhero jawline” and/or a “George Clooney-like jawline” was a bit heavy handed. Therefore, you need to realize this is a light graphic novel that is meant for fun and you really cannot take it too seriously.