Lily Adler has returned to London for the first time since her husband’s death. While not completely out of mourning, she has at last rejoined Society. She knows what most people expect of her, to find a new husband and remarry, but she’s not ready to do that yet. At her first event out, a ball thrown by a close friend, Lily overhears an attempt at blackmail. Moments later a you man is murdered. Not an auspicious start. This is followed by Lily’s friend’s husband paying off the magistrate not to investigate. Needing to know if her friend is married to a murderer, Lily sets off to investigate, aided by her deceased husband’s best friend, Captain Jack Hartley, and a young heiress from the West Indies, Miss Ofelia Oswald. But as the three of them delve into the mystery, secrets come to light that could make Lily the murderer’s next target.
This was a fantastic read. I’m a sucker for a good Regency set story, and this one certainly delivered. Lily is a fantastic character, and the story almost immediately sucked me in. As a childless widow with means, Lily has a lot of independence and makes the most of it. All of the supporting characters are a delight as well, and I really appreciated the fact that book acknowledged the complexities of the time period, not just sticking with the hijinks of Society, and used them to develop the plot. Jack and Lily’s friendship is wonderful, especially the way he very quickly comes to respect her intelligence and let her take the lead in their investigation. Lily taking Ofelia under her wing and befriending her was also charming, and the trio play off one another well, especially since Ofelia and Jack don’t get on at first but both think very highly of Lily. The mystery was slightly predictable at the end but still ultimately satisfying. A great read if you like historical mysteries, and it’s the first in a series. I’m looking forward to seeing where Lily’s adventures might take her next. Four out of five stars.
CBR15 Passport: Different Genres/Subgenres – Historical Mystery