Seals are Lorelei’s favorite animals. And she loves how they must be the best of friends with penguins. After all, they are always together in all the pictures she sees because of the research she has done. And they are no-shaped, but look like potatoes and their blubber! But when a new student in class tells her that Seals are Jerks! Well, she doesn’t believe it! She needs proof! But she soon learns that seals are jerks. After all, they eat penguins and do not do best friends activities together. But the seal the penguins and Lorelei meet has a few things to say for themselves. After all they eat a lot of things, and well, frankly they couldn’t be friends with something as yummy as penguins! Besides, that is just nature. Seals gotta eat and well, did she know that penguins eat fish?? So who is the guilty party now? Not to mention, poor seals are eaten by those jerky whales!
Jared Chapman’s story is a hoot a minute or two. There are a few puns and jokes that might go over kids heads, but the adult reader will appreciate. And all ages can have the book adapted to their needs (first, looking at Chapman’s cartoon-like illustrations; the story being read to them, solo reading around first grade or lower second, and there are a few facts at the end for more information. The story incorporates the facts in a way that allows the reader to just go with the flow and might not realize they are learning, too. The ending has an interesting twist, but not unexpected by the adult reader.
The illustrations tie everything together not so neatly as they are a bit of organized silliness. There are good colors and things are not “solid” but everything is understandable and clear. I would expect not only are they the typical style of the author/illustrator but also there to help make the facts less dry. Goofy is the name of the game with text and the illustrations are not far behind.