When I started Broadway Baby my first thought was well, this is cut…. Whoa! That’s a bit off-putting! The tone of the book is a 45-year-old man talking to us, but the character is wearing snazzy diapers and fabulous clothing. I got vibes of all the promos and images of Man From Oz (as I have not seen it) and realized there are several Broadway hits in the imagery. Russell Miller and Judith A. Proffer set out to honor the bright lights, and regardless of my feelings, they did.
Our little baby wants their name in lights, and they show us The Great White Way. If you can make it there, well you can make it anywhere! The whole thing is just razzle and dazzle. It is bold and bright, sweet, and funny and by read three (yes, I read it a few time to make sure I didn’t miss anything that I knew or thought knew. I’m still not sure if that hobby-horse toy is a nod to Equus or to the baby and is just a toy) I realized that this is a not a book for everyone, but there is something for everyone. This is a love note to Broadway and for fans of Broadway.
I am not a huge fan of this book, but I do get the appeal. I read via a reader copy online, but it is currently available. I think a fourth read is needed to see how the final product came out. This is probably best for little older than toddler on up. It could be a fun gift for adults depending on the format. Both listeners and with help readers can enjoy.