Five Nights at Freddy’s: Fazbear Frights Graphic Novel Collection #1 is a modern day R.L. Stine (a much more mature Goosebumps meets Fear Street). It is spooky, creepy, and clever. I am not sure why people like the games/videos/etc. (as I have never interacted with them, and only in the last year or so have heard of them due to my older nephew having gotten into them. Which trust me I really am unsure of why as this is not usually his thing), but this book actually was thought provoking with the three characters wishing for things to be different. Such as what would you give up to be popular as one of the themes of a story. And of course, it also went for the mayhem, chaos, and craziness of a teen supernatural story. It is horror and thriller and not for everyone. Yet, as an adult who is not into horror (and does not like that rabbit on the cover, not to mention I do not like what a jerk it is…only I didn’t say jerk…in its story) I was surprised at how much I enjoyed reading. Will I go onto the others in the series or read the novels (this was a graphic novel)? Maybe not, but I do hope they equal this in interesting content.
The illustrations perfectly add to the freaky factor (as much of the time, things are “normal” so when to monsters come out of the shadows, you “jump”). The format is that of being polished and computer-generated looking. They can help with a few plot points, but the Toy Story on Acid, Meth and PCP character of one story I could have done without (then again, the boys of that story could have done without it, too). Stories and the illustrations are both familiar and fresh with modern tones. The ages I’ve seen as the reading range is 10 and up, but I am sure younger have read it. I would say at least 10, if not 12 and up, but know your audience.
Some of the contributors of this collection are Scott Cawthon, Elley Cooper, Carly Anne West, Didi Esmeralda, Anthony Morris, Andi Santagata, and Christopher Hastings. If I missed someone, my apologies as I only took what I found via the site my bookstore uses as I forgot my notes to write my review with! (Score is rounded up from 3.5)