Between Earth and Sky, Book #2
I read Black Sun, the first book in the planned Between Earth and Sky trilogy last summer, on vacation. I inhaled that book, and it ended up being one of my best of 2021. So I got myself right on the holds list for Book #2.
Of course, I neglected to go back and really refresh myself on the happenings of book 1 before diving into book 2 – which is 100% my fault. But beware, book 2 picks up right where book 1 leaves off, and the author wastes no precious words with giving lackadaisical readers a recap. It took me a while to remember all of the details, but the action is nonstop in book 2, and just sweeps you along.
I’ve never really tried to recap/review the second book in a series before, and I don’t want to give away too much plot for those who either haven’t read the first book, or are looking forward to book 2! Let’s see what we can get at without spoilers.
The world of Black Sun and Fevered Star is based on pre-Columbian mythology. So we have cultures and belief systems from the Americas (Mayan, Incan, Aztec, Hawaiian, etc.) mixing, with nary a white-skinned European to be found. The currency is cacao beans! Our main conflict is between sun- and crow-worshippers. It’s a totally different world, and fascinating to spend time in. There is scheming, and political intrigue, and a touch of magic.
This book revisits the main characters from book 1, while adding a few new characters, or expanding the roles of some relatively minor characters from book 1. The author also manages to really ratchet up the tension – no conflicts are resolved here, only new conflicts added, or old ones made greater.
I really loved this book, and I’m waiting anxiously for part 3!