I liked this one better than book #1. Probably because Saoirse comes to realize that not everyone she meets is going to be a best friend forever like Bea. I liked the resolution to some things, but other things had me going what the heck. I did laugh a lot though while reading this one which is the main reason why I gave this one 4 stars. The mothers in Saoirse’s neighborhood sound like a lot. I am not a mother, but I never understood why anyone would put down another woman because she’s not cooking organic food for their kids or breast feeding. I have zero chill and would have hurt someone’s feelings a lot if they kept judging me.
I will also say that Saoirse needs to get a grip though. She claims to hate the neighborhood mom’s but is still part of their What’s Up app convos and can’t stop going to the Facebook group. I did cheer about the resolution to that whole mess though.
Spoilers for those who have not read book #1
I just needed Saoirse to stop going on and on about Patrick. I seriously wanted to kick this character in the shins every time he came up. He is her best friend’s ex and is a deplorable person. I am tired of her acting like their BS moment in book #1 meant anything.