Although the handwritten words verge on unreadable, I’ll allow it because it’s in keeping with the rough, hand-drawn aesthetic the book has going, as well as because the sentiments expressed by them are too darned adorable for me to care.
As I was reading this, I read aloud roughly half the pages to my fiancee (who found them cloying and groanworthy, unfortunately) because I felt they just had to be spoken aloud. It’s like A.A. Milne’s stories of Pooh and the Hundred Acre Wood, only on steroids, with surprisingly thoughtful remarks coming rapid fire without it feeling overplayed.
And those sentiments are ones I hope for my future kids to take to heart, just as I take them to heart. This is first on my list of books to read any kids I have. First priority, that is, since they’d need at least some years on them before they’d be able to adequately appreciate and understand it.
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse was giving me eyes at Target for months and I’m so pleased with myself for finally taking the plunge. You should too!