cbr10bingo… Brain Candy
Ok so this book is about a bomb maker who’s planting bombs throughout Los Angeles in the hopes of killing bomb squad technicians. How is this brain candy you ask? Well, to me building a bomb, and/or diffusing a bomb is escapism. I will never do either in my life, and hopefully never even see one, so it doesn’t get more escapy than that!
I read the audiobook version of this book. At first, I almost laughed out loud at the guy’s voice, and I didn’t think I was going to be able to finish the book. However, halfway through the first CD I found that his voice was perfect, and that I loved it. It was a little gravelly, and it evoked the personalities of the two main characters (the bomb maker and the head LAPD bomb squad guy).
There’s a bit of a love story in here, but it’s not the most important story. This bomb maker’s sole mission is to blow up bomb squad technicians. He’s not trying to kill innocent civilians, although he doesn’t care if he does. His first bomb is a doozy and accomplishes a big part of his goal. I liked that we got to hear from both the good guy and the bad guy in this story. I only had two issues, which downgraded this book to a three star review: 1. The bomb squad guys kept ignoring the guy in charge’s wisdom and getting blown up. It just seemed dumb. 2. The end of the story is wrapped up in like 1/2 of a CD. I would’ve liked to hear more about why the bomb maker turned to this life of crime, why the terrorists were doing what they were doing, and what their actual plan was. It just felt a little bit rushed.