Narfna and I have talked about it and we agree – G. Willow Wilson’s run of Ms. Marvel is consistently one of the best comic series out there. It’s hard for us to keep repeating ourselves on this – It’s great and you should be reading it.
In Volume 9, Kamala and Ms. Marvel have both disappeared, but don’t seem to be in danger. Kamala’s friends have taken on the mantle of Ms. Marvel. They are doing ok until an old foe reappears. Teenage Wasteland is all about stepping up and facing your problems. Problems ignored don’t go away, and you can’t move forward until you clean up the mess you left behind.
One of the things I love about the world that Wilson has created for Kamala within the Marvel Universe, is that there are so many kinds of love and friendship and community. People evolve. Individuals find it easier to be brave together. As hard as Kamala finds her life sometimes, she is surrounded by love – familial, friend, spiritual, and romantic. The once bitchy mean girl is now dressing up like Ms. Marvel and protecting vulnerable populations. Once damaged relationships are set for repair. And among all the loving and growing and being strong for each other, there’s superhero adventuring and punching.
So, why aren’t you running out to read this?
All nine volumes are so good!
Just read it!
If quality doesn’t convince you, do it because the toxic fan boys hate that a Muslim woman writer and a brown Muslim woman character are so successful.