Louisiana’s Way Home by Kate DiCamillo is my #CBR10bingo on a list book. It is on the Publishers Weekly The Most Anticipated Children’s and YA Books of Fall 2018
While I give this book a five there were a few plot holes for me. (Spoiler) Louisiana never sees it is wrong to steal from the vending machine (or worse to get her friend to do it for her). She might be about 10 years old in the late 1970’s and her Granny might not be the most modern person and may not have a phone, but you would think she would have the basic knowledge that her friends back in Florida would not have a phone listed in their name. After all, this is the 1970’s not 2018 where even my special needs nephew has a cell phone. And a few other points.
With all of that said, this is a good book. It is very much in the line of DiCamillo’s other work. And it has that “family friendly attitude” that means you can recommend it to “Grandma” and she and the child will enjoy it. This is a sequel/companion to Raymie Nightingale yet, you do not have to have read it. It would help with understanding a few plot points that, while DiCamillo hits on, they are not fully flushed out, but it is a standalone title.
Because of the age it is aimed for (mature 8/9 but more 10 to young 13) and is a DiCamillo book, the adult, reader will know that things will work out for Louisiana. The child reader might not pick up on that and will be hooked from the start.