Yo ho ho! And a bottle of Milk! Listen up you scurry mates! I have one whale of a tale to tell you about! When one tough pirate… bus driver… is all about how brrrave and strrrong pirrrates… I mean kinderrrgarteners are when they are off to their first day of school. That is, until his beloved parrot, Polly, flies off because of stormy seas…. Ah… bumpy roads. This leaves him to show that he might not be so brave himself after all. But with help from some (kinda scared, missing mommies, daddies, doggies and blankies) kids, he (and the readers) learn that sometimes it is okay to be scared. And that everhyone gets scared when they are starting off on a new adventure. It is how you react to it and swim through that is important.
The pirate theme is a fantastically perfect. The (spoiler) joke that the pirate captain is driving a bus instead of sailing a ship (because he gets sea sick) is a hoot. Kindergarrrten Bus by Mike Ornstein is a perfect first day of school jitters kind of book. The afterword’s by pirate Ornstein is a note with modern sentiments for the parrrents to help your child.
Kevin Barry has created somewhat goofy, but totally adorable illustrations. They complement the equally goofy and adorable pirrrate text. You will find yourself “RRRRRing” and telling others it is “time to walk the plank!” But first, some reading of a great new book that is sure to become a favorite of your child.