Y’all I spent so much time at The Toast! I loved, loved, loved it. Enough that I go back and read my favourite posts over and over again—especially the art history ones, like this one. So, I’m just gonna say it. I did not like The Merry Spinster very much. Oooof, that hurt.
This book was on everyone’s radar, and every review has praised its inventiveness. I get it. But it was fine. It was just, fine.
I didn’t finish it all that long ago, but I honestly can’t remember much about any of the stories. Cinderella? The Little Mermaid? Beauty and the Beast? Was there a frog one? It felt bad that I just didn’t feel compelled to keep reading, and it was only because it was a library loan that I made myself finish. It felt so weird to be really prepared for this book to be awesome, and then just feel meh about it. I’m probably the only one.
Ortberg is a great writer and his wit and wisdom are undisputed. I fully blame myself for just not being that into The Merry Spinster and I’ll happily apologise to anyone who wants to fight me about it. I’m for sure looking forward to whatever Ortberg’s next project is, and will almost certainly read it. Everyone’s entitled to an off day… and by that, I mean me.
Tagging this one BIRTHDAY! for #cbr10bingo: Ortberg’s birthday is November 28th.
*The Merry Spinster was published before Daniel Ortberg came out as trans. In respect for him, I have used his preferred name and pronouns.